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References and acknowledgements

A list of resources referenced in the knife crime problem solving guide and how to cite the guide.

First published
Knife crime – a problem solving guide

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  • Aiden Sidebottom (University College London)
  • Iain Brennan (University of Hull)
  • Iain Agar (Essex Police)
  • Matt Ashby (University College London)
  • Karen Bullock (University of Surrey)
  • Gavin Hales (GM Hales Research and Consultancy)
  • Nick Tilley (University College London)

How this guide was produced

This guide was commissioned by the College of Policing and made possible through a grant from the Home Office Science, Technology and Research (STAR) Fund.

The material reported in this guide draws on the findings of interviews and focus groups with police officers, staff and analysts from 24 police services and Violence Reduction Units in England and Wales, documentary analysis, crime data provided by Metropolitan Police Service and an online survey with members of the public, as well the research and experience of the authors.

Ethical approval for the research was provided by University of Hull (REF: 2021STAFF08).

How to cite this guide

Sidebottom A, Brennan I, Agar I, Ashby M, Bullock K, Hales G and Tilley N. (2021). ‘Knife crime: A problem solving guide’. College of Policing.


The authors thank all those who took part in interviews, focus groups and the survey. The guide benefited greatly from the input of Levin Wheller, Abigail McNeill, Hayley Guest, Lewis Basford, Nerys Thomas, Mike Scott, Stuart Kirby, Owen Miller and Anthony Braga.

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