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Our values, purpose and mission

Our organisational guiding principles and core beliefs.

First published

Our values

We are:

  • inclusive – we connect with our policing colleagues and our communities to ensure that we understand the complexities and realities of policing
  • innovative – we are dynamic and responsive at both an individual and organisational level
  • open – we act with honesty and integrity, and we account for our actions
  • collaborative – we collaborate with policing to tackle complex challenges in the public interest

Our organisational values guide how we work with our partners, as well as our internal colleagues.

Our purpose

To support everyone in policing to reduce crime and keep people safe.

Our mission

To boost professionalism, drive consistency and improve leadership.

We'll do this through our three core functions. These are to:

  1. set standards
  2. share knowledge and good practice
  3. support professional development

Over the next four years, we'll focus on five strategic outcomes.

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