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Building trust and a fair culture

Our ambition for policing to be a trusted profession with a representative workforce that demonstrates the highest levels of integrity, fairness and respect towards others.

First published
Corporate strategy 2022 to 2026

Where we are now

Legitimacy is integral to the British model of policing by consent. At the heart of this model is the idea that the police can only successfully carry out their work with the support and cooperation of the public. Recent cases of disrespect, abuse, misogyny, racism, homophobia and criminal exploitation of the powers we invest in our officers have shone a spotlight on the necessity of transforming police culture. Every case diminishes the confidence that the public have in our commitment to keep them safe and undermines the outstanding work, every day and night, from the great majority of officers and staff.

To be perceived as legitimate, our police need the trust and confidence of all communities. Our police service does not yet sufficiently represent the communities it serves, with a lack of representation of ethnic minority groups at all levels in the police workforce. Improving diversity, and the experience of policing by diverse communities, remains a top priority. As the professional body for the service, we have a leading role in securing rapid and tangible progress.

Our ambition for policing

Our ambition is for policing to be a trusted profession with a representative workforce that demonstrates the highest levels of integrity, fairness and respect towards others.

It is crucial that everyone involved in the delivery of policing conducts themselves in a proportionate, lawful and accountable way, with the ethical and transparent use of police powers, decision making and discretion. Our ambition is for a service that is demonstrably anti-racist and is proactive in tackling discrimination and racial inequalities where they exist, resulting in people from all communities – and particularly our Black communities – feeling involved, protected, respected and represented.

Our commitment over the next four years

Through our Police Race Action Plan, we will work to create an anti-racist culture, mind-set, values and behaviours within policing, which will inform all operational policing practice, improving the experience and outcomes for Black people.

We will develop recruitment pathways into the service that will attract, recruit and retain a workforce that is more representative and inclusive of all backgrounds.

We will also set clear behavioural and ethical expectations to ensure officers and staff operate with the integrity and transparency that the public rightly expect.

The building trust and a fair culture section in our Business plan (pages 15 to 22) contains specific steps that will support progress towards this ambition, as well as how we will measure our impact.

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