Information on peer support options and improvement networks.
Join our weekly knowledge sharing events
Our knowledge sharing events provide opportunities that support everyone in policing to reduce crime and keep people safe. They enhance professionalism, encourage consistency and improve leadership at all levels through discussion, sharing good practice and supporting forces to understand complex areas.
KSEs also offer networking and continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities covering areas across operational and organisational policing.
Some of the topics previously explored include:
- recognising and supporting neurodiversity in specialist roles
- understanding and implementing new areas of legislation, for example, the pre-charge bail reform
- developing and refreshing evidence-based practice standards in intelligence professionalisation programme
- describing evidence-based performance and engagement through Blue Light collaborations
- supporting recruitment and retention that enhances cultural change, talent management and succession planning through strategic workforce planning
- increasing the awareness of primary findings from independent inquiries such as child sexual abuse
Request a knowledge sharing event
Contact us to request a knowledge sharing event or if you would like to receive invitations for future events.
Peer support for forces
Forces can ask for peer support to help understand issues, solve problems and try new initiatives.
Peer support helps improve police operations and the whole force by developing an enhanced understanding of issues through peer discussion and challenge.
It is inclusive, promotes diversity of thinking and is founded on the key principles of:
- respect
- shared responsibility
- mutual agreement of what is helpful
Types of peer support
We work with the force to develop terms of reference and scope. The force may be asked to complete a continuous improvement self-assessment matrix to explore the issue and think about what success could look like.
Based on the scope, the type of peer support we deliver may be:
- a two to three day peer review by a team of peers who may visit or work with forces virtually
- an organisational development or problem-solving workshop
- putting individuals in touch with peers from other forces who have relevant experience
- mentoring and coaching
- a bespoke development event
About our peers
Peers have expertise in a range of topics such as investigations, demand management, vulnerability, contact centre, local policing during COVID-19, CT, neighbourhood policing, managing change and workforce development.
They can be from:
- police forces
- a pool of specialist associates appointed by us
- the public, private and voluntary sectors
Peers use our transformation framework and help forces find practical ways to improve.
If your force would like to know more about peer support, contact: [email protected]
Becoming a peer
Becoming a peer can help your continuing professional development. Police officers or staff at any level, rank or grade can become one.
Find out more by contacting: [email protected]
Improvement networks
Our improvement networks connect people doing similar jobs in different police forces. Practitioners share knowledge, practice, challenges and experiences.
Networks support improvement across policing as well as being a great continuing professional development opportunity. They cover a range of topics, including:
- demand management
- leadership development
- business change and transformation
- organisational learning
We welcome approaches from officers and staff who want to set up a new network.
To join a network, or if you’re interested in setting up a new one, contact: [email protected]