Child sexual abuse and exploitation
Adolescent risk team
The adolescent risk team (ART) is a small team in the South West basic command unit (BCU) covering four London boroughs. The team is responsible for coordinating the police response to children who are:
- vulnerable to criminal exploitation
- involved in serious youth violence
- displaying harmful sexual behaviour
The team is part of the BCU safeguarding hub. It works closely with missing, child sexual exploitation and youth offender management teams, as well as partner agencies.
A feasibility study for this intervention will be published here after phase three of the VVCP.
Out of court panels
Out of court disposal panels are used across Northumbria Police force. They were designed by the force’s Northern area command harm reduction team and six authorities in the local area.
The panels aim to:
- promote positive and consistent outcomes for young people and victims
- safeguard against inappropriate disposals, including repeat cautioning and the unnecessary entrance of young people into the criminal justice system
- ensure outcomes are proportionate to the crime committed
- maintain victim satisfaction
- reduce the risk of further offending
This is achieved by encouraging joint decision making between Northumbria Police and the combined youth justice system.
A feasibility study for this intervention will be published here after phase three of the VVCP.
Youth engagement team
The youth engagement team (YET) works with vulnerable and exploited young people involved in crime across Suffolk, alongside partner agencies. It aims to:
- improve young people’s life choices and social integration
- reduce young people’s associations with gangs
- reduce incidences of serious youth violence
- reduce frontline demand
The YET identifies young people to engage with through monthly analysis of police data and completion of a vulnerability assessment tracker (VAT). The VAT tracks young people aged between 10 to 18 years and highlights risks and issues. Each young person included on the VAT is assigned to an officer who will proactively engage with them, focusing on prevention and early intervention to deter association with gangs, violence or crime. Each young person is closely monitored over 12 weeks and can be offered a tailored support package due to links with partner agencies.
A feasibility study for this intervention will be published here after phase three of the VVCP.