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Chief officer vacancies

Current chief officer vacancies and help in finding a senior role. 

Get help with finding a senior role

We have experts in selection and assessment to support you in finding a senior role.

A key part of this is providing assurance that the assessments you take will be delivered in accordance with the principles of merit, fairness and openness.

Job alerts

When running the appointment processes, ​police and crime commissioners and chief constables want to be able to connect with and target all potential applicants.

We can contact you with news of upcoming chief officer vacancies based on your geographical preference.   

To find out more contact: [email protected] 

Confidential enquiry service

When deciding on whether to apply for a particular vacancy, you may have questions about the role or the appointment process. 

We can ask questions on your behalf in a confidential way to the recruiting force, which will help you decide if you want to submit an application.  

To find out more contact: [email protected]

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