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Latest changes – missing persons risk assessment

Date Category Guidance Changes
Major investigation and public protection > Missing persons Missing persons risk assessment

Added final paragraphs about detailing information and intelligence, beginning 'When carrying out a risk assessment...', to the section 'Initial questions for the person who has submitted the missing person report'.

Major investigation and public protection > Missing persons Missing persons risk assessment
  • 'Gathering information' section: changed a link to minimum actions section of the APP. 
  • 'Gathering information and intelligence' section: added a bullet point to the end about suicide ideation or self-harm and added a link to the suicide prevention strategy.
  • 'Assessing risk levels and taking action' section: added a line about unconscious bias.
Major investigation and public protection > Missing persons Missing persons risk assessment

Minor changes made (link to College Learn, new bullet point added to initial questions list, 'mental health' added to sentence in' gathering information and intelligence' section, reference to vulnerability-related risks guidelines and sentence added to 'assessing risk levels and taking action' section)

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