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Latest changes – working with victims and witnesses

Date Category Guidance Changes
Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Voice of the Child documents added to section on National support for law enforcement agencies

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Reference to document added in Family liaison section – College of Policing (2021) Charter for Families Bereaved Through Public Tragedy.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Changed 'Fast track interviews' to 'Initial accounts' and amendments made in text to reflect this change.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Review of all existing links to the 2011 ABE guidance and update the reference to the new 2022 guidance.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Links to the Murder Manual replaced with links to the Major Crime manual (or removed if not relevant).

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Added new section – 'Witness reluctance to attend an interview or provide a statement'. Added new bullet point (deaths abroad) and link to the document in 'Further information' section

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Updates to reflect Code of Practice for Victims of Crime 2020.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Update section on Family liaison.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Text added in relation to released under investigation.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Updated link for MoJ guidance on Victim Personal Statement.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Deletion of wording under special measures.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Link added to CPS website covering Post Acquittal meetings.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Link provided on NPCC position paper - Interviewing Child Witnesses in Major Crime Investigations.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Link added to College of Policing (2015) Deployment of family liaison officers in child sexual exploitation or abuse cases.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Update a link to 2015 Code of Practice for Victims of Crime.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Update link to 2015 version (third edition) of “Advice on the Structure of Visually Recorded Witness Interviews”.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Addition of links to guidance document: Internet Social Media and Identification procedures.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Changing a link to Lexicon Limited (2014) Toolkit 9.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Addition of text regarding Witness Intermediary Scheme.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Amendment of information on compensation.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Changing a link to Lexicon Limited (2014) Toolkit 9.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Addition of link to Toolkit 9 - Making the Most of Working with an Intermediary.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Update links to 2013 Code of Practice for Victims of Crime.

Investigation Working with victims and witnesses

Updated reference material available (second edition of title which was provided as the link at launch): ACPO (2013) Advice on the Structure of Visually Recorded Witness Interviews (Second Edition).

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