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APP (21)

News, updates and consultations for authorised professional practice (APP).

Recruitment and training.

Awards (1)

Recognising professional excellence in policing.

Conduct or performance dismissals from police forces across England and Wales.

Police officers across England and Wales can apply for financial support towards their higher education.

CCTV (5)

Closed-circuit television. 

Transport of illegal drugs from one area to another.

COVID-19 (17)
CPD (38)

Continuing professional development

CVF (11)

Competency and values framework.

Elections (6)
Equality (27)
Firearms (12)

Resources, information and tools on force control rooms.

Forensics (10)
Fraud (5)

The College of Policing's operational and frontline publication written by and for police officers and staff.

Hate crime (26)
Homicide (28)

Roles, resources, learning, guidance and news

Roles, resources, learning, guidance and news

Operations (17)
PCDA (4)

Police constable degree apprenticeship.

PCSO (12)

Police community support officers.

PEQF (5)

Policing education qualifications framework.

From tracking suspects to supporting wellbeing, police dogs play a vital role both on the frontline and behind the scenes in policing.

Risk (16)
Vetting (7)

Resources, information and tools to support you to provide good victim care.

Wellbeing (33)
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