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ViSOR train the trainer

Deliver Violent and Sex Offender Register (ViSOR) end-user training locally within your own organisation.


This course enables users to:

  • prepare for the delivery of ViSOR end-user training within their own organisation
  • confidently access and use the ViSOR training environment
  • identify any local content that needs to be included within the ViSOR end-user training

Key topics

This course covers:

  • a history and overview of ViSOR
  • the ViSOR record and management structure
  • how to find ViSOR nominal records
  • how to create ViSOR nominals
  • how to maintain and update ViSOR nominals
  • advanced searching of ViSOR nominals
  • how to use the management facilities
  • how to use the system administration functionality

Key details

Qualification eligibility

RV or NPPV2 vetting.


It is essential that learners:

  • have completed the ViSOR pre-course workbook prior to attending the course
  • are conversant with the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018
  • are conversant with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679
  • are conversant with the Human Rights Act 1998
  • are conversant with the Computer Misuse Act 1990
  • are conversant with the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988
  • are conversant with their responsibilities in relation to the Government protective marking scheme (GPMS)
  • are conversant with the Government security classifications (GSC)
  • are conversant with their responsibilities in relation to 5x5x5 grading and the latest national intelligence grading (4x3x2)
  • are conversant with their responsibilities regarding equality and diversity in relation to the delivery of training

It is advisable that learners: 

  • hold (or are working towards) a nationally recognised external training qualification (eg, City & Guilds certificate in education and training – level 3 or equivalent) or an international training certificate
  • have successfully completed the national decision model (NDM) available on College Learn
Practitioner group

Individuals with a nationally recognised training qualification at level 3 or above, who will be required to deliver ViSOR end-user, basic level access and system administration training locally.


Three days.

Course contact
Additional information
  • It is expected that all individuals attending this course hold a nationally recognised trainer qualification and are competent in these areas, as the course does not cover how to be a trainer or the general principles of adult learning, methodologies and practices. 
  • No previous ViSOR experience is required, as the course will cover all of the system’s available functionality.
  • This is an assessed course, meaning an 80% pass mark needs to be achieved in order to successfully complete the course. 
  • In order to be able to deliver ViSOR end-user training locally, your organisation requires a College of Policing licence that includes the ViSOR licence schedule. This has been arranged with most Home Office forces, but if you work for a different organisation, check that you hold the relevant licence. If not, please contact the ICT training team to set this up.


Scheduled ViSOR train the trainer courses run periodically at the College’s Ryton site.

This course can also be delivered locally at an organisation’s own site, provided the venue meets the ViSOR system’s technical requirements.

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